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K-8th Grade Academic Policies

The purpose of Tower Grove Christian Academy is to provide a sound academic education, integrating Biblical truths with the subject taught.  The academic requirements for each grade level are developed to meet the course of study prescribed by the Missouri State Department of Education, with emphasis on a high standard of achievement.  Regular school tests are used in addition to the Terra Nova Tests.



Homework is an assigned school activity that is completed out of class.  Parents who want to pick up homework for absent students must call the office and leave a message by 10 a.m. of the day the student is absent. Parents may pick up homework assignments from the table near the Business Office at the end of the school day.


Progress Reports

Academic or conduct reports are emailed home to all parents. These reports are emailed home at mid-quarter and at other times deemed necessary by the teacher for informing the parents of their child’s progress. Parents may access students’ grades through Passwords may be obtained by contacting Mr. Davis.


Report Cards and Conferences

Report cards are issued quarterly. The first and third quarter report cards are given to the parents at the parent/teacher conferences. Second quarter report cards are given to the students at school to take home at the beginning of the next quarter. All report cards for fourth quarter are mailed home with standardized test results during mid to late June.


Honor Roll

An honor roll is kept for students in grades 4-8. To qualify for the honor roll, a student must have all A’s and B’s at the end of quarters 1, 2, and 3, and at the progress report in quarter 4.  Students may qualify for the high honor roll by earning all A’s.


Grading Scale & Grade Point Average

A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = below 60

A = 4.0
B = 3.0
C = 2.0
D = 1.0
F = 0.0

N=Needs Improvement


Graduation Requirements

In order to qualify for graduation from the eighth grade at TGCA, a student cannot have two or more failing grades each semester in the core subjects. Core subjects are Bible, English, Science, Math and History.


School Hours

The school day is from 8:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.  Students on the school grounds before 7:45 a.m. will be added to the Extended Day program and their parents will be charged for their care.  Students should be in their classrooms at 8:00 a.m. or they will be marked tardy.  When school is dismissed, all students should leave promptly for home.  Students still at school after dismissal will be put in the Extended Day program and their parents charged the daily care rate.


Elementary School Curriculum

The curriculum in the elementary school (K – 3) consists primarily of the Bob Jones curriculum. Grades K-2 use the A-Z Reading curriculum and Grades 4 and 5 use the Positive Action for Christ Bible curriculum. These materials offer sound scholarship, common sense skills, and are based on the Word of God. Our students have the opportunity to experience music, Spanish, computer, art, library, and physical education classes. Our desire is to design a learning environment in which all students are taught the necessary material to make their elementary years productive, and to prepare them for middle school.


Middle School Curriculum

The curriculum in the middle school is designed to respond to the student’s increasing level of maturity. This maturation requires more specialization in order to meet the following objectives:

  1. To teach the skills necessary for effective comprehension, communication, and computation

  2. To provide a versatile high-school-preparatory curriculum

  3. To stimulate creative and critical speaking skills

  4. To aid them to recognize, in every area of study, the revelation of God in creation and in the Holy Scriptures

  5. To instill in each student an understanding and appreciation of the principles and values upon which our country was founded and the importance of their preservation


Preschool Curriculum

Teaching the preschooler to love learning is the long term goal of the preschool.  Currently, we are using the ABeka curriculum.  We will provide each classroom with the tools necessary to attend to the cognitive social, emotional, physical, and spiritual development of the preschool child.  By emphasizing a center-based, hands on approach to learning, these materials will provide opportunities for each child to learn at his own developmental level and ability.  Motor skills, habits, listening, language, number and letter awareness and recognition, scientific investigation, and cultural knowledge are incorporated into the lessons.


Class Sizes

Tower Grove Christian Academy will limit class sizes in kindergarten through second grade to twenty-two students per teacher; for third through sixth grade, twenty-five students per teacher. Science and math classes in middle school will be limited to a manageable size.

*TGCA Average class size is 15 students.


Chapel and Scripture Memorization

As a part of the Bible curriculum, we require scripture memorization (Elementary and Middle School) and chapel attendance (All grade levels) to encourage and reinforce the teaching of spiritual truths and prayer. Parents are welcome to attend chapel services, which are held in the church auditorium.


Permanent Records

A student’s cumulative record is to remain private to any and all outside parties excluding parents or court mandated individuals. Parents may review their student’s cumulative record only within the appropriate office where records are maintained. Cumulative records may not be taken off campus.  In the event that the school is no longer in operation permanent records will be available through the Tower Grove Baptist Church office.

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